
Friday, December 2, 2011


It is probably no secret that I am lazy when it comes to updating the blog.  
My reasoning:
a) I never have time.
b) If I don't feel like posting, I won't.
c) I keep to myself a lot, which includes not posting my thoughts on the internet.
d) When I started this blog, I didn't intend to make it the daily update on my life kind of blog. (Disclaimer:  those are totally fine (and I read them), just not my style.)

Well, I have just decided that I am going to update the blog once a day for the entire month of December.  I realize to do this I will probably go against all of my previously mentioned reasoning - clearly against "point d" up there.  

I am probably making a big mistake in doing this.  I have finals and papers and volunteering and working and applications and MCAT studying to do, but I will make this work.  I am, in fact, making a mistake posting this blog right now - aka poor time management (I have a physics exam in 30 minutes).  

So, brace yourself for a month full of Rebecca thoughts.  And then expect my posting to quickly cease after this self-influenced challenge is over.  
Also, Happy December to you!  

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