
Sunday, January 22, 2012


I have realized that I judge a sermon on Sunday morning by the way I feel when I leave church.  I go in thirsting for truth and desiring to be filled.  Conviction is what I long for, what I need to make sure that I am constantly growing and changing, ever striving to become more like Christ.  I want to be encouraged, I want to hear the gospel, and I want fellowship.  And if I leave Hope feeling those things, then it is a good day and I am ready to head out into the world for another week.  

But if it is left at the emotional level, then it is for nothing.  If I fail to act, then everything I have heard or learned or felt was all for naught.  

Over break, I read "Crazy Love" and "Forgotten God" by Francis Chan and "Mountains Beyond Mountains" by Tracy Kidder.  After reading these books, I feel this incredible sense of urgency - a desire to not just be but to do, to not just breathe but to live.  I have a renewed understanding that when Jesus commanded me to love, He never meant to love from a distance, to love as long as we are comfortable, to love the lovable.  Because when He gave that command, He said to love as He loves us.  Jesus loves in a deep, intimate way.  He loves the 'unlovable'.  He loved until He hurt, bled, and died. 
"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another:  just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.  By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." -John 13:34-35

What would this world look life if every Christian lived as they were called?  How much damage could the body of Christ cause in the kingdom of darkness if we truly listened to the commands of Jesus?  And what would we look like if we lived by the Spirit?  

"Without Him, people operate in their own strength and only accomplish human-sized results.  But when believers live in the power of the Spirit, the evidence in their lives is supernatural.  The church cannot help but be different, and the world cannot help but notice."  -Francis Chan, Forgotten God


And a few fun things:  check out the tabs at the top of my page to see some new additions and, in case you were curious, I am starting work on my book today.  

Friday, January 6, 2012


Happy January, everyone! 
A brief post on my day..

[Be still, and know that I am God.
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!
-Psalm 46:10]

I read this verse this morning and my heart became heavy.  What do we do between asking for guidance and waiting for direction?  It isn't really in my character to let things be or wait for things to happen.  I like to get things done, I like answers, and I like to be in control.  
But God's answers are infinitely better than mine, so I will listen to Him.  
Be still.

I mean, look at what my God does:

Check out this beautiful sunset from my drive home!
My only choice was to pull over and take some pictures.
Oh North Dakota, you can be so beautiful sometimes.

And some other pictures from today: 

My "end of the semester present to myself" came in today.  A long time ago, I told myself that I couldn't buy any more books until I finished the ones that I already owned.  Well, I failed many times.  But, I did refrain from buying these two books for awhile.  Finally, I have my hands on Forgotten God (super excited).  And I started Crazy Love two years ago, but never got to finish it and it wasn't mine, so I bought my own copy.  Maybe there's a book review in the future? 

And I baked some scones tonight!  (Okay, I'll be honest - this is yesterday's baking project, but I liked the picture better.  These are cranberry-orange.  Tonight, I made chocolate chip scones at my little brother's request.)