I am thankful for 2010 - for all that I have learned, the people I have met, and all that I experienced.
Here is a little of my year -
Two of the main things to happen this year:
NYC - Bekah and I went on a very impromptu trip to NYC for a week. When we first met last fall, we talked about how both of us wanted to go to Boston. Boston somehow turned into New York which ten days before spring break turned into us buying plane tickets on a whim at 1 in the morning. Before the tickets the whole plot was kind of a hypothetical ordeal - but then we bought them and our plans fell into place. The whole week was an adventure and included: Times Square, Top of the Rock, Today's Show, Brooklyn Bridge, Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Grand Central Station, Wall Street, China Town, Little Italy, St. Patrick's Day parade, Rockefeller Center, Metropolitan Museum of Art, FAO Schwarz, Magnolia's, Central Park, and I'm probably forgetting some.
Camp Joy - This summer I was fortunate enough to spend my summer at Camp Joy. This was my third year as a Summer Missionary and I am so blessed that the Lord led me there for one last summer. This summer was incredible; I worked with amazing staff, experienced a lot of personal growth, hung out with hundreds of awesome campers, saw some old friends and made some new ones. Some of my highlights - paint war at Boys' Week, the last camp "fire", SM water war on the last night, "Operation Java Jump", tornadoes, Bellybutton!, boat races, Wednesday meetings, frog hunting with Chelsie, shenanigans with Chelsie and Johanna when they were program with me, sunsets and stars, and I'll stop now before I start crying.
Here are some other snapshots from my year:
*The first picture in this last set is of Josh and Billy on Father's Day when we took Dad golfing. They were on a team against me and my dad and this is them plotting. I thought it was cute.
I'm excited for 2011! So far I have continued my re-read/completion of The Chronicles of Narnia and I've started a 90 day study of Paul. In 2011, I'm going to take more pictures, sleep less, volunteer more, try to learn how to cook, laugh more, and pay more attention to politics and current events. I'm looking forward to a road-trip to Colorado and hopefully flying to Oregon in the summer. And at the end of this year, I will be half finished with my junior year and preparing for the MCAT. Wow.
Right now, I'm trying to figure out where I will be living this summer, any ideas?